
Study Aims to Find Key to Brain Health for ‘Super’ Aging Seniors

An innovative study by the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute of the Department of Neurology in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine aims to determine what factors contribute to successful aging in seniors 85 and older.

October 31st, 2018 Research Symposium and Chair Presentation

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Evelyn F. McKnight…

Dr. Tatjana Rundek Awarded the Evelyn F. McKnight Endowed Chair for Learning and Memory in Aging

At a ceremony before many of the nation's most prominent neurologists, renowned researcher, epidemiologist, mentor, and educator Tatjana Rundek, M.D., Ph.D., formally became the holder of the Evelyn F. McKnight Endowed Chair for Learning and Memory in Aging.

Congratulations to Dr. Joyce Gomes-Osman for being awarded a Mentored Translational Research Scholars Program Award (KL2) from the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Miami!

Congratulations to Dr. Joyce Gomes-Osman for being awarded a Mentored Translational Research Scholars Program Award (KL2) from the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Miami! This program is designed to support the research career development of early stage investigators at the assistant professor level for two years and will include: (1) 75% salary support up to the NIH Salary Cap; (2) $2,500 for travel and training-related activities; (3) $30,000 for research expenses.

Neighborhood Greenness and Alzheimer’s Disease in 249,405 U.S. Medicare Beneficiaries

Neighborhood greenness, or vegetative presence, has been associated with various indicators of health and wellbeing, but its relationship to Alzheimer’s disease has been less studied. Understanding the role of environmental factors in Alzheimer’s disease in older adults may inform and complement traditional interventions for Alzheimer’s disease and/or related dementias, including prevention and treatment. This study examines the relationship between neighborhood greenness and a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease among older adults in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States.
Dr. Susan Pekarske is Elected Trustee of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation

Dr. Susan Pekarske is Elected Trustee of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation

Dr. Susan L. Pekarske, a distinguished clinical pathologist and…
healthy older
Dr. Joyce Gomes-Osman

Non-invasive Brain Stimulation: Probing Intracortical Circuits and Improving Cognition in the Aging Brain

Check out the exciting new publication led by Dr. Joyce Gomes-Osman…

Here’s How Much Exercise You Need to Keep Your Brain Healthy

We are excited that the latest article by Dr. Joyce Gomes-Osman,…

We know that exercise may help improve thinking skills. But how much exercise? And for how long?

To find the answers, researchers led by Joyce Gomes-Osman,…
Amy Porter

The McKnight Brain Research Foundation appoints Amy Porter to Executive Director Position

The McKnight Brain Research Foundation (MBRF) is pleased to announce…