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January 22nd Sonya Kaur, PhD “Sleep, hippocampal volume, and cognition in adults over 90 years old”
January 29th Michelle Marrero, MD “Multimodality Imaging of Dementia”
February 5th Regina Vontell, PhD “Pathological evidence of neuroinflammation in
neuropsychiatric disorders”
February 12th Ashish Rehni, PhD “PERK pathway of ER stress and recurrent hypoglycemia-
induced increased ischemic brain injury in treated diabetic rats”
February 26th Danielle Carns, PhD “Accounting for sex may improve diagnosis of aMCI –
how generalizable are these findings?”
April 1st Anita Seixas Saporta, MD “The cerebellum in Alzheimer’s disease: evaluating its role in cognitive decline”
April 15th Christian Camargo, MD “Evidence for a synaptic approach to enhancing cognition in normal aging: the role of rate-limiting substrates”
April 22nd Christian Camargo, MD “Evidence for a synaptic approach to enhancing
cognition in normal aging: the role of rate-limiting substrates” Continued.
April 29th Regina Vontell, PhD “Guidelines for the Neuropathologic Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease”
May 13th James Galvin, MD, MPH “Can Dementia Be Prevented?”
May 27th Sarah Getz, PhD “Neurocognitive correlates of scam susceptibility in age-related hearing loss”
June 10th Michelle Caunca, PhD “Racial Residential Segregation Throughout Young
Adulthood and Cognitive Performance in Middle Age: the CARDIA Study”
June 24th Sonya Kaur, PhD Presenting on “Sleep and Insomnia”
July 8th Joyce Gomes-Osman, PT, PhD “An Exercise Study during and (hopefully!) after the COVID-19 Pandemic”
July 22nd Noam Alperin, PhD “Different Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and Cerebral Perfusion in Subjects with and Without Hypertension”
August 5th Katalina McInerney, PhD & Josh Rooks, PhD “An Exercise in Mindfulness”
August 19th Magdalena Tolea, PhD “Sarcopenia and Cognitive Performance”
August 26th Christian Agudelo, MD “Using DTI to Assess Grey Matter Microstructure in Neurocognitive Aging”
September 2nd Jinhua Wang, MD, PhD “Age-Related Alterations in Retinal Tissue Perfusion and Volumetric Density”
September 16th Nicole Sur, MD “Discovery: Determinants of Incident Stroke Cognitive Outcomes and Vascular Effects on Recovery”
September 30th Gustavo Rey, PhD “Aging and Epilepsy”
October 14th Dr. Schork, PhD SPECIAL INVITED SPEAKER “Polygenic Longevity Scores”
October 28th Roger McIntosh, PhD “Endothelial progenitor cell function in chronic HIV and cerebrovascular disease”
November 18th Rosie Curiel, PsYD “Cognitive Errors and Functional Dysconnectivity in Middle-aged Offspring of Persons with Late-onset Alzheimer’s Dementia”
December 2nd Michelle Marrero, MD “Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Health: Initial Results from the Helenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and Diet”
December 16th Mohammed Goryawala, PhD “The MRI Visual Rating Scale and Diagnosis and AD”
December 16th Alexandra Cocores, MD Resident Cognitive Journal Club “Detection of Phosphorylated Alpha-Synuclein in the Muscularis Propria of the Gastrointestinal Tract Is a Sensitive Predictor for Parkinson’s Disease”