Susan Halloran Blanton, PhD
ProfessorHuman Genetics and Otolaryngology
Dr. John T. Macdonald Department of Human Genetics
Associate Director of Communications and Compliance
Hussman Institute for Human Genomics
PO Box 019132 (M-860)
Biomedical Research Building, Room 317
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Miami, FL 33101
Phone: 305-243-2321
Fax: 305-243-2396
Email: SBlanton@med.miami.edu
Website: http://uhealthsystem.com/researchers/profile/95465
Dr. Blanton received her PhD in Human Genetics from Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia. She obtained post-doctoral training in Biostatistics (University of Pittsburgh) and Population Oncology (Fox Chase Cancer Center). Her primary research has focused on the mapping of genes for Mendelian and complex diseases; she has been instrumental in studies identifying over twenty genes/loci for Mendelian disorders. Stroke and the underlying genetics of its risk factors, deafness, retinal diseases, skeletal dysplasias, cleft lip/palate, and clubfoot are among the diseases which she currently studies. She collaborates with Drs. Sacco, Wright and Rundek to identify genetic factors influencing white matter and cognition and their relation to ageing. In addition, she has been involved in developing and implementing genetic education materials for Federal and appellate level judges and science writers in an ELSI sponsored project. Dr. Blanton is the Executive Director of the Hussman Institute for Human Genomics as well as the Associate Director of Communications and Compliance. She is an Associate Professor in the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics.