Mindfulness for Healthy Aging

Hallandale library 300 S Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, FL, United States

Research suggests that being more mindful in our everyday lives can protect our health as we age and even help us live longer. The Lunch and Learn will discuss why and how and offer a mindful exercise.

The Importance of Sleep Cycles

Westchester Library Health and Wellness Information Center 9445 Coral Way, Miami, FL, United States

How well you sleep is so important. It can improve your mood and energy. It may reduce the buildup of an abnormal protein called beta-amyloid plaque in the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The Lunch and Learn will discuss types of sleep cycles and what a good night's sleep looks like.

Mindfulness for Healthy Aging

Davie/Cooper City Branch Library 4600 SW 82nd Ave, Davie, FL

Research suggests that being more mindful in our everyday lives can protect our health as we age—and even help us live longer. The Lunch and Learn will discuss why and how and offer a mindful exercise.

Life’s Essential 8 and a Healthy Brain

Westchester Library Health and Wellness Information Center 9445 Coral Way, Miami, FL, United States

Various data have been shown to help us have clear minds. Control blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, exercise and more can help fend off the harmful effects of vascular issues in your brain. Dr. Nicole Sure in this Lunch and Learn will discuss how to keep your brain healthy.

Aging Like A Pro: Sleep Smarter to Age Well

Key Biscayne Community Center 10 Village Greenway, Key Biscayne, FL, United States

How well you sleep is so important. It can improve your mood and energy. It may reduce buildup of an abnormal protein called beta-amyloid plaque in the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The Lunch and Learn will discuss types of sleep and tips on how to improve it.

Aging Like A Pro: Smart Eating for a Healthy Aging

Key Biscayne Community Center 10 Village Greenway, Key Biscayne, FL, United States

Various diets have been shown to help us have clear minds. A Mediterranean diet of foods rich in antioxidants can help fend off the harmful effects of oxidation in your brain. The Lunch and Learn will discuss how to feed your brain so you can keep aging like a pro!